Hal International Cargo Agency - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Hal International Cargo Agency
1 Review
Hal International Cargo AgencyAl Hindawiah Dist., P.O.Box: 32198, Postal Code: 2142802-6271079https://www.saudiayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Hal International Cargo Agency
Al Hindawiah Dist., P.O.Box: 32198, Postal Code: 21428, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Contact number
Listed in categories
Hal International Cargo AgencyAl Hindawiah Dist., P.O.Box: 32198, Postal Code: 2142802-6271079https://www.saudiayp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
We have been using your agency many times and it was very good/excellent. Until now, because our goods were shipped from jeddah and the number was
given and it is has now been more than 20 days ,the cargo can't be traced and they couldn't find the AWB.
We have called the agency many times and they cannot explain to us why. Please
check and lets know a.s.a.p..because our kids are waiting to use it for Eid.
Thank you in advance.
given and it is has now been more than 20 days ,the cargo can't be traced and they couldn't find the AWB.
We have called the agency many times and they cannot explain to us why. Please
check and lets know a.s.a.p..because our kids are waiting to use it for Eid.
Thank you in advance.
Questions & Answers
Aselam waalekum
1. Do you ship to USA (Washington DC)Via Air?
2. How much do you charge per Kg.
3. Or do you have package Rate?
I hope I can hear for you soon.
1. Do you ship to USA (Washington DC)Via Air?
2. How much do you charge per Kg.
3. Or do you have package Rate?
I hope I can hear for you soon.
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