Weltex Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd - Riyadh
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Company name
Weltex Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd
Malaz Dist., P.O.Box: 295779, Postal Code: 11351, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Contact number
966-11-291 8206
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Company description
WELTEX recognizes that its success is dependant upon its staff. Therefore, a high priority is placed on training and management development to ensure the availability of the necessary skills to deliver the quality of service our clients require.
Our training programme addresses the needs of employees and the company will participate in appropriate industry training schemes.
WELTEX’s policy is to develop its people by ensuring that they have necessary knowledge and skills to meet the current and future needs of the business. Recognizing that employees should be given the opportunity and assistance to pursue further education and development adding to their satisfaction and allowing them to contribute more fully through an increased knowledge and understanding of their work.
Our training programme addresses the needs of employees and the company will participate in appropriate industry training schemes.
WELTEX’s policy is to develop its people by ensuring that they have necessary knowledge and skills to meet the current and future needs of the business. Recognizing that employees should be given the opportunity and assistance to pursue further education and development adding to their satisfaction and allowing them to contribute more fully through an increased knowledge and understanding of their work.
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The accuracy of the company profile for Weltex Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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