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Company name
Unit 2223 Bldg. 4019 Al Abbas Ibn Abdulmutalib At taawun dist. 7524 Riyadh 12476 , Saudi Arabia
Contact number
011 810 9399
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Is a national Engineering & Construction company that plays an effective role in the
Reconstruction and Development fields in Saudi Arabia. ABR Contracting is highly proud of its
contribution to the Development and National Economy. In 1990, ABR Contracting started its journey
where it had executed many projects that keep pace with the ongoing rapid development for the
Kingdom’s growth in Reconstruction and Development fields. This is for governmental sectors, private
sectors and individuals as well. ABR Contracting executes its projects by using the newest technical
methods and techniques. It also uses the latest advanced Engineering computer programs and follows
the latest quality control regulations. That is what makes ABR Contracting able to provide the best
Economy for almost 29 years and it is distinguished for providing various services for different sectors in
the country. The company is managed by an executive board that includes the elite specialists,
consultants and professionals in the Construction business. They work hand in hand and that is what
helped ABR Contracting to become successful in providing top of the line engineering and construction
services. ABR Contracting always follows the newest managerial policies and control systems to
manage its projects and look after the plans, programs, and timelines. ABR Contracting always
guarantees to maintain the adequate resources at the right time, place and qualifications to perform the
projects on time and according to budget.
Reconstruction and Development fields in Saudi Arabia. ABR Contracting is highly proud of its
contribution to the Development and National Economy. In 1990, ABR Contracting started its journey
where it had executed many projects that keep pace with the ongoing rapid development for the
Kingdom’s growth in Reconstruction and Development fields. This is for governmental sectors, private
sectors and individuals as well. ABR Contracting executes its projects by using the newest technical
methods and techniques. It also uses the latest advanced Engineering computer programs and follows
the latest quality control regulations. That is what makes ABR Contracting able to provide the best
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features for its projects. ABR contracting company has served the Development and NationalEconomy for almost 29 years and it is distinguished for providing various services for different sectors in
the country. The company is managed by an executive board that includes the elite specialists,
consultants and professionals in the Construction business. They work hand in hand and that is what
helped ABR Contracting to become successful in providing top of the line engineering and construction
services. ABR Contracting always follows the newest managerial policies and control systems to
manage its projects and look after the plans, programs, and timelines. ABR Contracting always
guarantees to maintain the adequate resources at the right time, place and qualifications to perform the
projects on time and according to budget.
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