Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1 Review
Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy
Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy
Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy
  • Verified
  • +9Years
    With Us
Company name
Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy
2847 Imam Saud Bin Faisal- Al aqiq, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: Yes
  • Tuesday: Yes
  • Wednesday: Yes
  • Thursday: Yes
  • Friday: No
  • Saturday: No
  • Sunday: Yes
Company manager
Saud Alquaifil
Establishment year
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VAT registration
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Company description
Tunuf is an Arabic word, which means a rocky extension of the upper ridge of a mountain. The equivalent in architectural construction is a cantilever - a long, projecting bracket or beam. The Tunuf on a mountain offers the most commanding views over the panoramic landscape below. It is also where falcons strategically choose to live and from where they search for their prey. The essential meaning of the word inspired the Tunuf Real Estate Consultancy brand. The advantage of being so high on a mountain, on a projecting platform overlooking the almost infinite landscape, is to easily see the potential of the land for future progressive development.

Our Services:

• Real Estate Valuation: Tunuf delivers professional opinions on the latest market-based valuations for the full range of  
Show more real-estate assets. The company keeps a vigilant eye on the periodical updates of the IVSC, to provide its valued clients with distinctive, high quality, world-class services.

• Real-Estate Feasibility Studies: Tunuf real estate feasibility study services are comprehensive and geared to help its valued clients reach exceptional investment decisions, which ensure their advancement and prosperity. The company’s main areas of focus in market studies include all market-related issues, the overview of real estate attributes, and the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and constraints (SWOT). The studies enable clients to tackle different scenarios professionally, towards achieving their intended goals.

• Highest and Best Use Studies: Tunuf studies are based on what is legal, financially possible, viable and will render the highest output. Tunuf thoroughly considers the available options, besides analyzing all the potential uses, in order to reach the anticipated study targets, in line with the status of the real estate market.

• Real Estate Market Studies: Tunuf offers real estate market study services that cover analyses of the various market segments, as well as identification of prevailing market trends and motivating factors, with a view to reaping the best rewards from the supply - demand balance. Through this, Tunuf ideally positions its valued clients to correctly extrapolate the status of the market based on a macroeconomic view, which helps them make the right investment decisions.

• Site Selection: This service is offered to businesses to assist them in selecting locations with attributes that meet their specific location requirements. Tunuf first considers the parameters and then draws together the general and special criteria that govern the site selection process, meeting the client's purposes for selecting the service.

• Real-Estate Portfolio Management Strategy Studies: Tunuf is well positioned to offer comprehensive real-estate portfolio strategies. These are technically and professionally tailored and adapted to accommodate specific geographic distribution, as well as the risks involved in the real estate environment. The purpose is to optimize the performances of clients’ real estate portfolios, towards achieving growth, which beats that of the sector.
• Due Diligence: is a specialized service that involves inspecting subject properties available documents, conducting zoning and building code assessment, and ensure the information on the documents conform with the site inspection of the property. This service highlights potential issues that might render the execution of transactions or future developments.
• Projects Special Care: is a service provided by TUNUF that monitors a project’s schedule, task completion progress, quality, and compare expenditures against budget. Monitoring involves giving feedback about the progress of the project enabling the gathered information to be used in Identifying problems facing the project, and making decisions for improving project performance.
• Leasing Advisory Services: is an integrated leasing advisory service that aims to guide our clients, whether tenant or landlord, through property assessment, financial and market analysis, site selection, and lease auditing.

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Listed in categories
Investment CompaniesLeasingCommercial PropertyReal Estate AgentsProperty ConsultantsRealtors
Real Estate Market Studies
Highest and Best Use Studies
Real-Estate Feasibility Studies
Real Estate Appraisal
Show moreReal Estate Valuation

Products & Services 3

  • Real Estate Valuation:
    Tunuf delivers professional opinions on the latest market-b...
  • Real Estate Appraisal:
    Tunuf delivers professional opinions on the latest market-ba...
  • Highest and Best Use Studies:
    Tunuf studies are based on what is legal, financially possib...


1 Review
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good people
very excellent people
A team of more than wonderful and proficient in its capabilities in its field of work

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